When did we lose our sense of caring, was it ever really there?
Often people in need hope it exists, but we’re usually unaware
Faith and hope quickly turn to despair, unless you intervene
Sources of adequate assistance tend to ignore the obscene
Hardship doesn’t exist to those who never experience it
So help who? Because of ignorance, they never consider it
Love is the answer to cure all problems many people would say
And truthfulness does indeed define those things that are cliched
So this word love, has to broken down for us to understand its depths
There is so much more to love, than emotion, ideas, or helpful concepts
For how can one have this thing called love equally, in so many areas?
It renders almost useless, when it’s used to describe everything we cherish
Can I have the same feeling for a certain type of music that’s appealing?
And for the living God that I plead in prayer to, when I am kneeling?
Is it possible for me to feel the same way about my favorite type of food?
That I feel about the most important people in my life? No, this is misconstrued
All of these things I say “I love,” but it is a lack of vocabulary to express the difference
We’ve given ownership of this expression to one word, granting it volume in appearance
True love is only found in the things that we put above ourselves, and then sacrifice for
This is the type of love designed for me to offer a wife, in excessive, tremendous outpour
To find something that you would take care of and protect, even before yourself
Is to realize life is worth living, worthy of that which is always new to you, fresh off the shelf
This is true love, and examples of it stay in our minds, they are never lost in the past
In putting others before ourselves, true love will be the only thing that will forever last
This is what drives those few people in history, to devote themselves to the less fortunate
Equal sacrifice, not equal giving, makes the differences in the world more proportionate
When, or shall I say if, you actually find this true love, allow it to consume your being
Because life without this love is like surrounding yourself with beauty, and not seeing

yes. for four hours we were both working for SP. except your job is WAY cooler than mine boo. it was so good to see you, wish we could have caught up more..maybe next time. I hope you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! : )
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